Monday, March 30, 2009

Perfect Spring Weather at Laguna Beach

It just doesn't get much better than this! Spring Break has pretty much come and gone but the Spring weather is here for a while - and boy is it GREAT! I have not seen the water any clearer at Laguna beach as I saw last week. Some refer to it as "gin clear". I refer to it as breathtaking. The various hues of greens and blues are just nothing short of amazing. This is such a great time to enjoy the beaches at Laguna Beach. The weather is very mild with cool nights and warm days. It is hardly ever crowded. And the days are now longer.

On another note, if there is a question about our neighborhood, or you see something that you want to see improved in the Laguna Beach community, why not post a comment about it here. This is a great place to share ideas, concerns, memories, and experiences. I hope you will join in. And who knows - maybe someone is listening !

And finally, if you are a property owner at Laguna Beach, please see the all new Laguna Beach Property Owner's Association Website at

If you are interested in whats going on in and around the Panama City Beach area - you need to check out the PCBDaily at

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

New Laguna Beach Property Owners Website is UP

The new website for the Laguna beach Property Owners Association is up and running. I have placed a link to the right to get you there or go to I was really glad to see our fearless leaders on the board finally take the plunge to move out of operating like it is still 1950 and into the current times and get a website launched.
Now, lets see if they will actually do something to get the word out! A simple sign added to the existing beach signs with on it would be simple and inexpensive. Also a small placard on some of the local bulletin boards like at Thomas', Carousel, etc might catch an eye. If people don't know about it, they won't go to it. If they do know about it - they might. But in the meantime, please join me in congratulating the board in finally getting this done.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

New Website for Laguna Beach Property Owners

Finally, Laguna Beach Property Owner Association will have a website. The new site, though still under construction has a registered name as
This is a HUGE milestone for this association which seems to be quite slow to get with the times and the tools that are available to reach out to the masses. But it is a step in the right direction. Now lets all hope this valuable tool of today's world will be used wisely to promote awareness in our community, provide a better avenue of communication for those property owners wanting to stay a little more informed than a luncheon once a year, and mostly as a means to preserve and enhance the little bit of paradise we all share. Its all good.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Cha cha cha changes......

This is the first post under the newly converted blog for the Laguna Beach Florida community. Since the LBPOA (Laguna Beach Property Owners Associtation) has a website under construction, it is more beneficial to change this blog into a more community site where we can share the latest and greatest about Laguna Beach and leave all the business mambo-jambo and political propaganda to the heiarchy of the LBPOA.
Lets focus on whats really going on in our little hood by the beach and stress the new, the good, and the needed improvements. Lets share some good ideas for the whole of our community. We can introduce some new merchants and some old standbys. We can talk about whats important for you at Laguna Beach. Please share. From time to time I will throw out some topics of interest to me for our community and you do the same. Lets stive to make this a standout community for the West beaches of Bay County. Cheers!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

LBPOA MEETING - July 5 2008

Property Owners Meeting
5 July 2008
Senior Citizens Center on Hutchison Blvd.
  • If you are a property owner in Laguna Beach, FL, please plan to attend. This is your piece of paradise to protect and care for and your input and involvement (and your $50./yr dues) will be welcomed by the Owner's Association Board.
  • Please allow us to add you to an email list by sending your email or turnming it in at the meeting on 5 July.
  • Come see what's happening on YOUR beach and in YOUR community.
  • The LBPOA is here to look out for all our best interest. Please support by registering.

Also, if you have not noticed, there is a couple of turtle nest that have been fenced off on Laguna Beach. The turtle light project is working. Rember - DO NOT bother the nest and if you see a nest or turtles - please call the St. Andrew's Bay Conservation Association.

Peace at the Beach!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

LBPOA Meeting - 6 October 2007

The LBPOA will meet at 10:00am on Saturday, 6 October at the Senior Citizens Center on Middle Beach Road. All Laguna Beach property owners are encouraged to attend. A general meeting of the membership will be held and guest speakers on current topics will also be onsite.
I believe a State Representative will speak on the current property tax issues and the Bay County Sherriff will also talk on neighborhood issues.

The LBPOA has recently replaced our beach signs. The signs stating the use of the dedicated beach and the basic rules have been placed along our beach and additional signs regarding the water safety and undertow have been added. If these new safety signs can save one life, we have been successful and it has been more than worth the cost to add these. Please check them out.

A report on the meeting will follow soon as well as more current news.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Sea Turtles at Laguna Beach

We recently had some visitors on the beach. The St. Andrews Bay Conservation guys were out on the beach at Laguna recently with a marine biology professor from UAB. They were burying pemperature probes in the sand to monitor possible nesting areas for sea turtles. It was great to see these guys out there in front of our neighborhood doing this work toward protecting these majestic animals. I have seen the turtles, always Hawksbill turtles, out past the sand bars recently on several occasions while kayaking. They always seem to be sticking their heads up out of the water checking out the beach for a prime place to come in a lay their eggs during the night. Remember - these are protected animals as are their nests. If you happen accross a nest - DO NOT BOTHER IT! Instead, call it in. The Turtle patrol comes the beach on a 4-wheeler daily looking for nexting spots.